Re: [orca-list] Orca breaking on superuser [on Accessible Coconut accesssible distro w/latest orca-master]

The sudo command has some command line switches.  The sudo -H -i command
may be useful or sudo -i command or sudo -E command.

On Thu, 27 Sep 2018,
Jace Kattalakis via orca-list wrote:

Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2018 14:05:02
From: Jace Kattalakis via orca-list <orca-list gnome org>
Reply-To: Jace Kattalakis <khalfang1366 gmail com>
To: orca-list gnome org
Subject: [orca-list] Orca breaking on superuser [on Accessible Coconut
    accesssible distro w/latest orca-master]

Caveat: This may be a distro specific issue, I only have one distro to test
but I can reproduce this consistently. I actually discovered it while setting
up youtube-dl config inPluma.

1. Open any program, for instance, Pluma with sudo. Orca will not read
anything as it's a blank document. Open a menu and scroll around, type
something,Orca will not react.

2. Close Pluma.

3. orca --replace

Orca should restart and say screenreader on, correct? It doesn't. It won't
restart at all, and typing orca, orca --replace or hitting super+alt+S will
not restart it.

I'm unable to get a debug log or this one as it stops after I do th sudo
<program> command and won't log anything else

Caveats: I'm using orca-master

I'm using a customized Ubuntu based accessible distro

This only happens on graphical programs, not terminal based apps, so far I've
run into it in Pluma, Grub customizer, Auacity, and any graphical program that
requires superuser access. Amusingly I ran into it on a live session installer

Caveat #3: I'll provide links. To test this, you'll need virtualbox, so get
that, then go to and go down to download, and get the latest
iso, it ships with 3.29.9 pre but I'm using Orca-master for this...and yes I
did test with the default version that distro shipped with, same end result.
I've told the guy who puts the distro together with no response yet so I
thought I'd ask you smart lot here to see if it's an Orca issue, an Accessible
Coconut issue, or it's only on my laptop and no other systems at all.

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