Re: [orca-list] Orca silent on LibreOffice 6 with Ubuntu 18.04

Hello Milton, all,

Thanks for the reply. Problem solved.

I asked my question on Launchpad and it turns out I did not install
LibreOffice completely (enough). I chose the option "minimal" on Ubuntu
install, then installed only Writer and Calc.

Now I installed the complete package (sudo apt install libreoffice) and
it began talking right away.

Sorry for the noise, have a nice day,

Frans-Willem Post

On 27-05-18 10:32, Milton wrote:
On my laptop with Ubuntu 18.04 Orca is doing fine with LO Writer and Calc.
Op 26-05-18 om 23:18 schreef Frans-Willem Post:

Using Ubuntu 18.04 with GNOME 3.28.0 and LibreOffice

Orca goes silent when entering a LO-window, either already started or
newly opened. The braille display does nothing, too.

Do I need to enable some setting, install an extra plugin? How to get
Orca speaking in LO-6?

Thank you very much,

Frans-Willem Post

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