Hello, Lars Bjørndal (2017/11/13 22:17 +0100):
On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 06:42:12PM +0100, Shérab wrote:Hi, At the moment, moving to the next (resp. previous) braille window can be done thanks to the CMD_FWINRT (resp. CMD_FWINLT) braille command. There are, however, two other braille commands that are also very frequently bound to braille keys, namely CMD_FWINRTSKIP and CMD_FWINLTSKIP, which differ from the two first commands in that they skip blank windows. Could Orca be modified to take the SKIP commands into acocunt? It is fine if they behave exactly as their non-skip counterparts. Thanks a lot in advance, Shérab.Have there been any progress in implementing this request/fix into Orca? I'm very interested as wll.
So just to be complete, this problem had been reported as Orca bug #760901(https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=760901). A bug fix has just been provided on Bugzilla for this bug and is also attached to this e-mail. Feedback is welcome if people can test. The patch has been made against Orca's master branch but can perhaps also be applied to other versions. While testing this patch, I have noticed that braille backwards navigation seems broken. On my system, navigating backwards makes rca freeze but this seems independent of this patch. Shérab.
Description: Proposed bug fix