[orca-list] Does orca 3.28 now uses gsettings

Hi all

I’ve noticed that doing

Dconf -f reset /org/, resets orca settings along with most of the desktop. Does orca now use gsettings to store it’s settings? If so, is it possible to back up it’s settings by backing up the ~/.local/share/orca directory, or will this folder eventually go away entirely? This is not a complaint, I like the idea of orca using gsettings to store it’s settings. This makes it much more consistent across desktops since the alt+win+s keyboard shortcut no longer has to be set per desktop, like it still seems to need to be done. I’m using ubuntu mate 18.04 and orca works great on it, with the occasional lag between when orca starts and when it sees the desktop and the occasional crash. It will also occasionally turn off for no obvious reason, but a quick toggle and it starts up again. There’s also issues with orca and firefox on http://www.digimon.wikia.com. For example go to http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/alphamon. Orca will eventually see the site, but often requires at least one toggle before it will navigate it consistently. Before that it will seem to work, and then seem to lose focus on the site and not be able to navigate it. If it does navigate it it does so extremely slowly until toggled.


Kendell Clark




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