[orca-list] issues with orca 3.27 and ubuntu mate 18.04

hi all

After a lot of effort, I'm finally using ubuntu mate 18.04 bionic beaver, development lts release. Do-release-upgrade finally left me with a usable system. Everything seems to work, but there are some pretty significant issues with orca. It does work, but it feels sluggish. Something as simple as arrowing around the desktop takes seconds to respond, and there's often a 30 second, if not a minute pause between "screen reader on" and "desktop frame". Has anyone else noticed these? If not, can I help get these fixed? Again, orca does work, but is sluggish. Or feels sluggish. I'm using espeak ng as my synthesizer, at the rate set to 80 percent. Is a debug log wanted or needed? Also, orca can't seem to find the network applet which says which network you're connected to, but I'm not sure if this is an orca bug or a panel problem which results in the applet not being there, so I'll leave that one unreported for now.


Kendell Clark

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