[orca-list] Secure boot



I am under the impression that one must disable secure boot to use virtualization software such as VMWare Player, Workstation, or VirtualBox because most virtualization software requires some modules be built into the kernel. I tried the following in a Fedora 28 terminal window:


~$ Mokutil –sb-state

Secure boot is enabled.

~$ sudo mokutil –disable-validation

Password for aborka: ***

Password (8~16 characters): ********

Retype password (8~16 characters): ********

~$ mokutil –sb-state

Secure boot is enabled.

~$ sudo mokutil –sb-state

Secure boot is enabled.


Either way, it proves impossible to build kernel modules for VMWare Player, Workstation, or VirtualBox. All dependencies are installed. I haven’t tried this on a Ubuntu 18.04 system yet. At this point, I will probably end up going to a store and having them try and turn it off in the BIOs. As a side note, does mokutil –disable-validation only work if secure boot is turned of at the hardware level?


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