Re: [orca-list] On Github, orca doesn't follow anchor

Samuel Thibault, le jeu. 14 juin 2018 09:30:04 +0200, a ecrit:
Mmm, diving a bit into the issue, it seems that firefox itself does not
move the caret to the destination anchor. This makes caret navigation
impractical, even when not using a screen reader. I guess that if
firefox fixed that bug, orca might get proper behavior.

As Sebastien said, this is not specific to github, all pages with
anchors have the same issue.

Ah, no, on the anchors of my webpage
I am not getting the issue when typing Enter on the PC keyboard, caret
navigation behaves properly as well as Orca 3.28.1. Sebastien, with
which command precisely does it not work?

I'll report to firefox the issue with github.


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