Re: [orca-list] Some crashes and alternatives for Orca 3.28

What you describe sounds like an AT-SPI2 bug. Did you upgrade AT-SPI2?

On 07/20/2018 06:59 AM, luciano de souza via orca-list wrote:
Hello all,
I had been using Orca 3.12 for a long time. It's was stable, but less
functional than new versions.
Having installed Ubuntu mate 18.04, I've migrated to Orca 3.28. At te
functional view of point, it was a revolution. It's really much
better. But the stability is not good.
orca crashes very often, but it's linked to a particular event: the
window switching. I think Orca has already crashed in other events,
but it's very seldon. The problem is strongly linked to window
switching. When I press alt+tab, Orca crashes very often.
So I ask:
1. Is this a known problem? Is there a solution?
2. Is this linked also to Mate? Does it apear in other distros?
I often heard ubuntu is not the best distro in respect to
accessibility. However, I keep in this distro becose the accessible
installer. I try Fedora, but I was not to able to start Orca during
the instalation. I try ArchLinux, but the instalation requires best
skills, since it ask for advanced settings.
In short, I would like to listen to you.

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