[orca-list] Serious bug in latest Orca Master and Voxin

I'm not sure exactly how to file this bug, so maybe someone can help me with that, but I've found a bug in the latest 3.29.1 Pre master build of Orca. IN fear of getting murdered, and people telling me that's because it's old legacy code, etc, please hear me out. Then if you wanna bitch at me, do so, but not until reading what I have fully to say, please.

The bug is in combination with the latest build of Voxin, and Ubuntu 18.04. NOw, before I tell you what is happening, let me say this. It's not a Voxin issue, as this bug didn't creep up until I updated the master branch of Orca tonight. I've not updated Voxin since this bug didn't exist, so clearly something in Orca's most recent Master has changed causing this behavior, though I'd not have a clue what.

Any time I write a contracted word with an apostraphy, like

I'm, I'd, can't, shouldn't, didn't, couldn't, haven't, won't, etc, it reads the first part of the word, then the final letter all by itself. For example,

can t, don t, haven t, couldn t, didn t, I d, I ve, you re, etc.

I've tried this on no punctuation, as well as on some punctuation, and in both cases,  this issue is occuring.

I went to the Orelux website, but there is no update available for Voxin.


The other really really weird thing is, in Terminal, I'm hearing divided by, instead of slash.

So, divided by usr divided by bin instead of slash usr slash bin.

Before anyone asks, no, Espeak-ng is not having this issue, but with my hearling loss, I cannot do that TTS at all.

Again, I get that Voxin may be old, dead, whatever, ok, fine, shoot me, here's my foot, but, like I said, it was working just fine, no update to Voxin that may a broken it. The only thing since it was working I've done is to update Orca to the most recent Master build.

Yes, I've rebooted. Did no good.

Aside that one thing, things are still working rock solid.


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