Re: [orca-list] orca read automatically incoming messages with smuxi

hello Joanie,

just in case you forgot

tanks !

Le 24/03/2018 à 16:48, Joanmarie Diggs a écrit :
Will take a look. Thanks!

On 03/24/2018 11:02 AM, Jérémy PREGO wrote:
hello !

I use "smuxi" to discuss it on IRC and twitter. The only problem is that
orca does not set the message incoming automatically. I noticed that it
uses the same principle as pidgin to display messages. (text box read
only). so, for the test, I copy the script of pidgin that I have renamed
in "smuxi-frontend-gnome".
after this manipulation, I have to read incoming messages automatically,
but of all living-not only the one that has the focus.

do you think we can do something to fix that ?

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