Re: [orca-list] Got ubuntu mate up and running on desktop PC - couple of questions

In fact even if 17.04 works, I highly recommend using the LTS version
because support is longer and accessibility seems to be relatively stable.

I am using it for quite long time and will surely give 18.04 LTS a try
but still not willing to quit unity desktop.

Happy hacking.


On 01/08/2018 01:08 PM, Jacob Kruger wrote:
I stuck to 16.04 - .iso file used is:


Wasn't going to try my luck with newer since heard there might be
hardware issues with 17.x, or something.

Stay well

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
"Resistance is futile, but, acceptance is versatile..."

On 2018/01/06 01:06, Guy Schlosser wrote:
Hey Jacob, which version of Ubuntu Mate did you Install? Thinking of
putting a solid-state drive in a machine, and just curious if you
went with the LTS, as in 16.04, or whether it’s safe to try something
newer, such as the latest 17.10. Thanks in advance for any tips.


Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 5, 2018, at 4:55 PM, Jacob Kruger <jacob blindza co za> wrote:

Thanks, Christopher - those two keystrokes will help me.

Stay well

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
"Resistance is futile, but, acceptance is versatile..."

On 2018/01/05 14:11, Christopher Chaltain wrote:
Orca+a will toggle between focus and browse mode.

In Firefox, I just use F6 to get to the address bar but the
standard Firefox key of control+l will also work. This is the
browser I use except when I pull up Chrome with ChromeVox.

On 01/05/2018 03:26 AM, Jacob Kruger wrote:
Ok, got hold of a display, and, got a sighted person to help me
initiate ubuntu mate installation, since it didn't seem to want to
launch orca during that initial part of process.

Either way, it's now up and running, and, seems to have basic
software installed, but, couple of questions.

Would you recommend using software boutique under administrative
tools to try find/install software, or are there better ways to
find, and install software packages?

Ask since, while could use apt-get from terminal, I would then
need to know all package names, and, I would prefer to browse
something like a list of accessible/preferred software packages,
and install them directly from there, or something.

Secondly, when working with firefox - is that the recommended
browser? - how do I toggle browse and focus modes? Ask since
didn't find any keystroke like that in the list of firefox key
commands, and, it seems to switch into focus mode immediately
after loading a web page, whether focused on a form element, or
not.  Also, while standard keystroke on other platforms to focus
on address bar would be alt + D, here it mentions something about
landmark elements/regions if I hit that keystroke - yes, know D
key is meant to jump between aria regions/landmarks, but, would
expect alt key combination to override that handling of the letter D?

Besides that, what other basic software packages would you guys
recommend, and, for example, how do I launch a basic file explorer
package, or would I first need to install one, and, if so, what's
the easiest way to place something like an app icon on the
desktop, and, how do I switch focus to the desktop without having
to first close all open windows?

Lastly, sorry if sound too much like a windows user...LOL!

Stay well

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
"Resistance is futile, but, acceptance is versatile..."

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