Re: [orca-list] Unable to login to a gnome session with gdm.

The graphical user interface has to create files in your home directory when you log in. The console does not. So often, if you can log in via a console but not vai the gui, it is because you cannot write to your hard disk. The disk could be full or defective. Try creating a file after logging in at the console.
If it's not the disk, I'd say follow someone else's advice and try 
starting X11 via the startx command. And then check the log files 
(always good advice for any linux problem).  Gdm logs should be in 
On 12/9/18 1:11 PM, matthew dyer via orca-list wrote:
Hi all,

Using arch linux with all updated solsoftwa, I am unable to login to a gnme session with gdm.  I first have to enter my user name and then my password but this does not seem to be working.  Loging into a text concal works fine but not a gdm gnome session.  Any one else have this problem.  I also had this problem with paldo as well.  If anyone else has this problem  would you please pass on a way to fix this.  I may be able too setup auto login but would prefer not have to do that if possib.lle


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