Hi all. In my trials of Linux, I’ve always missed Windows software. As it was a real pain trying to get the bios to restore the boot security to reinstall WWindows in the first place, I’m just going to leave it as the primary, as
I have Microsoft Office and all the games I need. I do still want to keep up with Linux, so that one day I may be confident enough in it to recommend it to others. So, I tried the latest build of Sonar, which I’ve always loved; a GUI on top of the formidable
Arch system, right off. But I’m not sure how far into the development phase it is, so I should probably start with something different. As Arch by itself is a little too advanced for me to set up, requiring some one else to help with that, my options are rather
less on the cutting edge. I guess I should try Debian again, hoping that, in a virtual machine, it will install without problems. On bare metal, it ouldn’t find some Internet drivers or some such. Also, there is Brian Smart’s blog post about lowering audio
latency. Hopefully that works on Linux, basically replacing the HdAudio driver with an ES1997 driver, which allows one to then lower the latency in the VMX file. I know, what Debian, I ma not get the latest tools, but there’s always git, which I can do the
basics with.