By default where am I is bound to numpad enter and detailed where am I is bound to double numpad enter.
I am using where am I very randomly only and not frequently. However I've noticed it usually provides much more context than wher reporting the same object as it gains the focus.
For example when in lists, tables (such as list of files in PCMan FM), treeviews and similar, where am I always reports position info e.g. this is 50 item of 130 or similar. Also it reports full role info including ancestors where it makes some sense. I would say it's really much more detailed than just relying on the focus presentation.
Given the fact I'm using it very rare I don't have strong objections against your proposal I've just wanted to point out differences possible enhancements It's providing on the top of casual focus reporting.
Now I think guys will be able to report with more comments.
Thanks and greetingss
Hey all.
Right now there is custom spoken presentation for Where Am I for quite a
few roles. Does having a different spoken presentation provide any
benefit over re-presenting the current object as if it just got focus?
I was thinking that, as a general rule, basic Where Am I could present
the current object as if it just got focus. Thoughts?
Then there's the question of what to do with detailed Where Am I. Before
I make a proposal regarding it, I'd be interested in hearing how/why
you're currently using detailed Where Am I.
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