Re: [orca-list] A question: Trimming files with Orca using Audacity


As for the audacity shortcut keys you might like to reconfigure them in the Preferences -> Keyboard. Some of the keyboard shortcuts e.g. square brackets don't take other than english us keyboard into accounts so what I am doing here is that I am always manually remapping these and perhaps even some more keys in the audacity preferences.
Audacity is accessible to an extend on linux especially when you do know the app from windows you can be a bit more effective as you already know what to expect in cases where wxwidgets accessibility is lacking. For example treeviews, radio buttons, time ranges and more complicated widgets are not accessible to orca. Because of this multitrack specific features and manipulating audio selection are a bit harder however some simple recording, applying effects, saving audio it's all accessible.



2017-11-14 9:31 GMT+01:00 ArkadiusZ <nuno69a poczta fm>:

How can I trim sound files with Orca using Audacity? Square Brackets aren't working. By the way, is this program somewhat usable with Orca?

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