Re: [orca-list] Can I use google tts with Orca?

On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 05:45:40AM AEST, chrys wrote:

as far as i know google TTS is just available via web service. so you need
to be online to consume the service. not sure if that is so good for screen
reader usecases in case of latency, bandwidth and special reliability (if
you are offline you loose your speech).

Google TTS is also part of android itself, so technically something like 
libhybris could be used to make use of it, but that would then mean 
implementing a wrapper from Google's own Text to Speech driver API to Speech 
Dispatcher, and given that you would have to go through various steps to get 
the relevant TTS bits from an android install, its not really worth it IMO.


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