[orca-list] the quest for a desktop/display manager combo i like

So after all of my experimenting i ended up on mate using autox to log in and then having mate-screensaver immediately lock the desktop as soon as it's able to. This seems to be the best bet so far far and it's similar to the stumpwm setup i had in terms of logging in and locking the screen i like mate probably would have used it sooner if i'd have realized just what it was from the beginning but i'd been out of the loop in the linux community for a while now so didn't follow the progress of what was gnome2 becoming mate.

i looked at lightdm repeatedly in quest so to speak but i didn't realize that the freezing thing was not present in an older version and i did not want to run a patched or older version of the gtk-greeter because i wanted to ensure that updating this box was going to be as painless for both of us here as possible. I looked at slim next i liked this but someone in the mate irc channel told me that slim was no longer developed so i went back to my autox setup but was able to find info burried on google about someone who wanted to try and do the same autologin/autolock thing i had decided i was going to do with mate.

Needless to say things work more or less now and i'm happy about that. Thank you all for your help. Now to work on the little things.:)

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