Re: [orca-list] Minor knit about the new container speech in Firefox

Hi Nolan.

This should be done now. Thanks for the feedback.

On 02/12/2017 10:21 AM, Nolan Darilek wrote:
In general, I like the entering/leaving notifications for page
containers. However, I wonder if we might skip the "Leaving ..."
notifications when entering a non-page element such as the menu or
addressbar? If I take action to leave the page, such as by opening a
context menu or pressing Ctrl-k, it's a given that I'm leaving any
region I'm in. It slows me down a bit when I have to hear "Leaving main
content, File menu" instead of just "File menu."

Similarly, if I close a tab with Ctrl-w, I'm told I'm leaving a region.
Given the region no longer exists, that certainly makes sense and is
implied. :)

Not a huge deal, and I won't continue picking if it's tough to implement.


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