[orca-list] android studio/idea accessibility


I know that android support for eclipse at this point is... bad, there
is new thing called eclipse andmore forking adt, but full of bugs and it
does not work as well as it should.
I would like to use android studio. I heard it is accessible on windows.
On linux here I do have java-atk-wrapper installed, and for example
running jconsole actually works and makes me see it... or rather, it
stops working because java atk wrapper for some reason loses track of
everything, but still...
Android studio is different, because it does not seem to work at all for
me. It has embedded jre, but trying to copy accessibility.properties and
stuff does not work, even if I change assistive_technologies parameter
to an invalid value, it does not throw errors at me during studio run.
Has anyone tried that, does anyone have any suggestions?
Also, is java-atk-wrapper unmaintained, or just no one for some time
actually reported anything there?

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