Re: [orca-list] ALSA Card Ordering [Was: I hate pulse]

Peter Vágner <pvdeejay gmail com> wrote:
I believe both approaches are awesome and good to know for advanced linux
Some 10 to 13 years ago when pulseaudio was entirely new thing, alsas
device ordering was the only usefull setup for these kinds of configs. I
happily used that and it worked.

Pulse is an awesome, great thing in theory. You can have multiple streams, even over the network, can pick a 
default audio device no matter the kernel ordering without having to edit files in modprobe.d or /etc/modules 
or wherever your distro looks for it.
The only problem I have with pulse is that age old thing about not having speech in boht the console and the 
gui. You had to jump through hoops to get both working. The work around was to do something with pulse 
starting in daemon or system mode rather than user mode. But pulse didn't like you doing that for some reason.
I haven't played with pulse for a long time, so I don't know if this issue still exists. I'd rather just 
avoid it entirely where I can.

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