Re: [orca-list] no braille output with Orca and latest Brltty

Correct, I did not include this step as he had brltty working in this mode before, so I made a asumption that this would be the case.
Thanks for clarifying for me.

On Thu, 27 Apr 2017, Shérab wrote:

Kelly Prescott (2017/04/27 16:50 -0500):
Jakob, here is what you need to do to make brltty work for now.
edit the brltty.conf file which is located in /etc
on about line #591 you need to uncomment the line that reads:
api-parameters Auth=keyfile:/etc/brlapi.key     # Require authentication key

Note, this should be on one line.
Then restart brltty sudo systemctl restart brltty
This should make orca work again.

/etc/brlapi.key must exist, though, and be readable by the user running

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