[orca-list] my thought why i cannot use espeak-ng with orca on fedora

in debian unstable/ubutntu 17.04, the speech-dispatcher version is
0.86, and this new speech-dispatcher has a seperate drive for each
synth, for example, in ubuntu i find the speech-dispatcher-espeak-ng,
speech-dispatcher-espeak, speech-dispatcher-pico,
speech-dispatcher-flite and so on instead of just speech-dispatcher,
like in previous version of it. I could not remember what version of
speech-dispatcher is available on fedora, last time i tried it, it was
few days only. So, if the speech-dispatcher is 0.85, and i install
espeak-ng, it won't be detected, this is observed in vinux. Can anyone
correct me if i am wrong in this statement?


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