[orca-list] trying to download PDFs of Intel manuals


I'm trying to download the latest version of Intel's combined volumes on its architecture and programming instructions. I've done this before, but I forget when the last time was.

steps to reproduce (and suffer):
1. Go to http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/processors/architectures-software-developer-manuals.html

2.  Use the h key to get to the heading concerning combined volumes.

3. Use the k key to get to what appears to be the link for downloading or reading that set of manuals and hit enter.

expected result, one of two possibilities: either t chance to open or save the file and hit a download button, or landing in the file and being able to tab to a download button.

real result: end up in the PDF, apparently, but being unable to tab to a download button. Pressing t ab sometimes says nothing, sometimes says "tools" or "toggle sidebar." Hitting enter on either of these (nothing to lose, I figured) got me nothing.

It also seemed I could not read whatever page I was on of this massive document. I don't know if this once-usable document is now an image file or otherwise unreadable or if I'm doing something wrong.

I'm using Debian Jessie and Orca 3.14.0.

Thanks for any help.


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