[orca-list] multiple little issues and one possibly major for pidgin

EDIT: I just noticed now that I completely forgot to add [orca-list] in the subject line :D so here it is, as to not confuse people further.
Hi there,
that new flat review stuff is awesome ! I just noticed two little problems with it. For one, braille seems slower in terminal, and pressing the button on my braille display to go half a line forward -- not sure if I make sense there won't work. It appeares to work perfectly well in other apps though. Also, I noticed that when you are reviewing the window with the new flat review, you sometimes hear something that wasn't supposed to be there (i.e: I'll have a bit of text from irssi, then, all of a sudden, open a new tab.) why not ? Also, to avoid sending 2 or 3 messages in a raw, I think it's better if I address two issue for pidgin here, too. First of, it seems that pidgin is lagging enormously when you are in a chat room with a ton of people... the first time it spawns the chat window it will lag, then after, every time you are alt tabling around and encounter that window. The last one, oof ! Is that when you go in orca preferences for pidgin and check the checkbox 'announce chat room name' orca won't do it, and will stop speaking any message if you aren't on the window of a chat. It will only speak the current window, and will not say a thing if you are outside pidgin, regardless of the state you set it (i.e: speak everything even when pidgin windows aren't active will no longer work). Oof, sorry for the long message, but I really wanted to avoid posting multiple messages. And thanks in advance ! :D Oh yes, this is with orca-git on ArchLinux, completely up-to-date -- this package is following master branch.

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