Re: [orca-list] orca displays random characters in braille until restarted

The only thing I can think of that might distinguish the way I use
braille is that I sometimes, actually more like often, plug my display
in after orca has started. This seems to be what triggers the bug. Load
your desktop, make sure orca is started, then plug in your display.
You'll first see the brltty prompt with version and so on, and once that
goes away you'll see ... very weird output. Once you restart orca you'll
probably see something like "nautilus desktop" or "caja desktop" if
you're using mate, at which point braille will work fine. I wish I could
be more specific about what shows up on the display but the characters
look nothing like any braille characters I know of, not even    
computer braille or some of the more obscure unicode characters I can
dredge up from my memory.
Kendell Clark

Jason White wrote:
kendell clark <coffeekingms gmail com> wrote:
Hears an odd bug a couple of my users have reported. After updating brltty
through your package manager, the characters on the braille display look
like gibberish. I don't know any other way of describing it. They look
nothing  like what orca's speaking. The  solution is to restart orca. After
this, orca picks up on brltty and things work as usual. 
I'm running Orca from Git (updated a week or two ago) with BRLTTY 5.4, and I
am not experiencing this problem. I start at the shell prompt at a console,
run startx to load GNOME, and braille is displayed normally after Orca begins

Can you be more specific about the circumstances in which this problem occurs?

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