[orca-list] writing a web app that works well with orca

I am writing a web app that nobody will ever use but myself. Actually, it is a pretty cool app allowing me to maintain my D&D character sheets on-line. The problem I am having with orca is that orca seems to read all the text to the left of a form control within a tabel cell. If I have a table cell with several form controls, as I tab from one control to the next, orca speaks all the text in the cell to the left, even if there is another control in between. A typical example (not for this app) might be city/state/zip. You might have a form with a table cell that had a "city [text box] state [text box] zip [text box]" If you tabbed to the city field, orca would say "city entry". But then when you tabbed to the state field, it would say "city state entry". And when you tabbed to the zip field, it would say "city state zip entry". If there is something I could put in between to let orca know not to go any further left, I'd just do that.

I am guessing if I put a line break in there it would work. Certainly putting the fields in different table cells would also do it. I am just hoping there is another way to tell orca not to go any further left that does not require a line break.

One other thing is that orca does not seem to recognize or read alt text for a form control. Is that right? Am I doing something wrong?

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