Re: [orca-list] Accessible Linux application to manage IPhone file system

Hi guys,

Very interesting. Have you tested with latest iOS (10, 9)? Does it work yet?


Le 21/10/2016 à 15:40, José Vilmar Estácio de Souza a écrit :
Hi Luciano.

It seems that Apple does not like to communicate with others!

In my arch box I installed ifuse and libimobiledevice.
When I connect the iphone using the usb cable my iphone appears in
nautilus as a new device and I can copy some files from it.
In general I copy photos and videos from my iphone to other device and
works ok.

On 10/21/2016 08:39 AM, luciano de souza wrote:
Hello all,
I would like to interact with the file system of my IPhone.
In Windows, there is Itunes; in Linux, I was not able yet to find
something to do the same task.
This topic seems to be entirely offtopic, but my question is: does
someone know which application can be used, accessible with Orca, to
provide this feature?
Best regards,

Assinatura Informal José Vilmar, Telefones: 21 2555-2650 e 21
98868-0859, Skype: jvilmar

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