Re: [orca-list] Lost Orca and general sounds

I ought to have offered another command before alsactl store.
amixer set Master 85%&alsactl store
That ought to unmute your chosen sound resources for you.
On Sat, 19 Nov 2016, Glenn wrote:

Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2016 12:15:17
From: Glenn <glennervin cableone net>
To: orca-list gnome org
Subject: [orca-list] Lost Orca and general sounds

Hi All,
I am running Ubuntu 16.04 and Orca on an Intel NUC PPYH.
I have been trying to get a bluetooth speaker paired with it so my system would be more portable.
I got the bluetooth speaker paired with the on-board bluetooth 3.0 on the NUC.
But I could only get the system hardware speaker test to send sounds to the speaker, Orca only worked on the 
wired speaker.
It was suggested on another list that I try:
alsactl store
All this did was to remove my audio altogether, so now I'm not even sure if the system has booted, but I can 
tell that it has because if I do a control + alt + delete and then alt + R, it pops the speaker and reboots.
I have researched the alsactl command and I tried the init and the restore and the nrestore commands to no 
I'm hoping someone here might have some ideas to help me get Orca back, or at least the the audio to hear it.

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