[orca-list] Simple Orca Plugin System - SOPS v1.0 is out

Hi Guys,

Storm finished up our shiny new plugin manager - so we decide to official release our version 1.0 of SOPS. I hope you will enjoy it, like storm and me enjoyed hack on it :). by the way contributions are always welcome.

I did at weekend some packaging and here is the result:
PKGBUILD could be found here - surprise surprise ;):

I recommend to remove the git version if installed:
remove the orca-customizations.py file in you're directory if you didn't made changes in or just remove the following lines out of the file
# Start SimpleOrcaPluginLoader DO NOT TOUCH!
import importlib.util, os
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location('SimplePluginLoader', os.path.expanduser('~')+'/.config/SOPS/SimplePluginLoader.py')
SimplePluginLoaderModule = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
# End SimpleOrcaPluginLoader DO NOT TOUCH!

sudo rm -r /usr/share/SOPS
rm -r ~/.config/SOPS

Install the release manually:
1. download from the link above
2. unpack
3. cd simple-orca-plugin-system-1.00
4. sudo cp -r SOPS /usr/share/SOPS
5.run the following to enable it for your user

Arch based user just do:
1. sudo pacman -Rscu simpleorcapluginsystem-git
2. install PKGBUILD for "simpleorcapluginsystem" for example yaourt -S simpleorcapluginsystem --noconfirm
no manual doings needed here.

Whats New:
- Bugixes
- A new Plugin Manager with that you can
    1. Install Plugins from the online Repos
    2. Enable/Disable Plugins
3. Configure Shortcuts/ Settings and Parameters of shortcuts. (after changing the settings the plugin have to been enabled again, this is a known issue) 4. Directly open the Plugin folder - many plugins have a small description how to use them in the plugin file

cheers chrys

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