[orca-list] What is the accessibility of the new style component of LibreOffice 5 ?

Dear Orca and LibreOffice community,

Environment :
- LibreOffice 5.1.2 GTK2
- Orca 3.18.2

I’m dealing with LibreOffice 5 new style component.

The first issue is when I press F11 Orca doesn’t announce when the sidebar is enabled or disabled. It seems that LibreOffice sends some events without providing name for them. What should LibreOffice send to AT-SPI to be usable by Orca?

Another issue is on the style list inside the sidebar, Orca announces on each element when I move with up/down arrow the title of the document. Again LibreOffice sends some events about window without reasons. What should be the proper way to do it ? I don’t know the proper manner to do that to report a bug with precisions.

Best regards.


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