Re: [orca-list] strange pitch issues with espeak when encountering all caps

Yup, that's it exactly. So I didn't even have to send that email grins.
Oh well, at least there's a bug filed, which means it will eventually
get fixed.
Kendell Clark

Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Is it this bug?

On 05/10/2016 11:44 PM, kendell clark wrote:
hi all
I'm reporting this to the orca list mainly so this bug doesn't get
forgotten in the deluge. I'm pretty sure it's been reported before, but
I don't know if there's anything Joanie can do to mitigate it, I seem to
remember it's not an orca issue but a speech-dispatcher one.
Speech-dispatcher is reporting the correct pitch, rate, etc info to orca
so it's a speech-dispatcher problem, not orca. Steps to reproduce. Use
either the espeak or espeak ng synths, it doesn't matter which with
orca. Enter some text in all caps into a text document, followed by a
new line, and some in all lower case. Read the all caps text. The pitch
will rise like it's supposed to. But when you read the text that's in
lower case, the pitch drops back to normal but the ... I don't know how
to describe this. Frequency? Inflection? It's subtle. The pitch is
normal, but espeak still sounds vaguely chipmunk like, and I know that's
not a very good description of it, but it's the best I can come up with.
Luke, would you mind looking into this when you have time? I know you're
busy and this isn't a critical bug or anything, I'm just posting this so
it's still on your radar, it's not a number one priority or anything.
Can anyone else confirm this? This seems unique to espeak, no other
synth that I've ever used anyway, ibmtts, pico, does this.
Kendell Clark

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