Re: [orca-list] odd issues in focus mode with seamonkey

No problem. It will get fixed eventually, which is the point. I can use
firefox for bookshare, no problem. This seems to be a common occurrence
though, the misbehaving form field. It's not limited to bookshare. A lot
of ... shall we say shadier sites sometimes do this, but I only report
bugs against good quality, reputable sites. This brings up one question
though. Would it be possible to announce the titles of pages in the
location bar, as firefox does? Example, you type in the first few
letters of somewhere you've been before, and press down arrow. In
firefox, the title of that page is read, making it easy to tell when
you've reached the result you want. In seamonkey, the URL is read. I
suppose seamonkey would need to fix this but it can't hurt to ask. Also
the new mail notifications. I can see them show up along the bottom of
the screen but orca doesn't read them. I'm assuming this is the same
issue with thunderbird, and it not using libnotify but it's own custom
thing. Would you mind sending me a url for the bug when you file it?
I'll make sure to comment on it so these people know it's affecting some
Kendell Clark

Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hey Kendell.

Thanks for the debug.out. The good news is that I can reproduce it now.
The bad news is that the event we're getting for the popup menu looks
valid. SeaMonkey is telling Orca you are now in that menu. If Orca
ignores that event, we're in danger of Orca ignoring truly valid focus
events which look quite similar. And ignoring truly valid focus events
would be really bad.

I'll give this some more thought, but we may need to have it fixed on
the SeaMonkey side. In the meantime, since Firefox seems to work, if you
could use that for sites like Bookshare, that would be my recommendation.


On 05/04/2016 06:39 PM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hi Kendell.

I just tried using SeaMonkey 2.40 and am not seeing the problem. Can you
reliably reproduce the problem? If so, could you please capture a full
debug.out? When you send it to me, please include the steps to reproduce
along with their keypresses (both for navigation and for your search query).


On 05/03/2016 01:12 AM, kendell clark wrote:
hi all
This has been going on for a while, but I've just now found an easy way
to reproduce this. The issue is that when orca enters a text field
automatically when navigating to it in seamonkey, after the first
character is entered, orca will not announce the second one entered and
will then switch over to browse mode. However, orca doesn't announce
this so you still think you're in focus mode, and you'll get bounced
around the page as orca treats your text as structural nav commands.
Steps to reproduce. Go to Type in a query in
the search field. You will get two characters in and then will have to
press orca+a to get back into focus mode to finish the search. Note that
this is not limited to bookshare. Most, but not all, form fields will do
this. Examples include baard (braille and audio reading download)
website, bookshare, and wikipedia. Google, for some reason, doesn't.
That is a very weird search field. Orca says it's a combo box, but it
seems to be a strange combination of a combo box and a text field. This
happens with both orca master and stable. Can anyone else confirm this
strange issue in seamonkey? I know storm reported this a few weeks ago
but got no response. This seems to be limited to seamonkey, firefox
doesn't suffer from this issue.
Kendell Clark

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