Re: [orca-list] using orca with social media

Well it is combination of every thing.
If facebook had followed a few more accessibility guidelines, then life would have been better. I am building a web application and there are a few moderately intence ajax calls and javascripting is at work.
But 99% of all that works very well with Orca.
Happy hacking.

On Wednesday 04 May 2016 11:05 PM, Mgr. Janusz Chmiel wrote:
I can confirm, that classic facebook WEB site
Uses too many dynamic WEB content and that too many Java script code is being running. And Java script engine, which is The part of every WEB browser allocate many CPU resources. And because screen readers call browser build in accessibility support. it is problem.
What with this?
For as many Facebook related operation as possible.
Tryto accept, that build in Gnome Facebook support will never work fo many years after Gnome stable release update.
I know, that
Can not be used for some popular Facebook operations such as uploading video to The time line of The profile or Facebook page.

The situation will change, when somebody will manufacture 8 core CPUS, and if screen readers programmers will be able to use CPU cores to allow CPU intensive operations. For now, I do not know, how Linux kernel manages individualCPU cores. I think, that Linux kernel, and other desktop environment crucial parts combine cores as efficiently as possible.

So according to my opinion, before browsers, screen readers build in accessibility support will not be able to combine individual CPU cores by using multi threading programmes approach, we will face such issues like with Facebook WEB site for ever.

It is not only problem of Lnux environment.
Facebook uses many dynamic content and Javascriptcomplex codes. So for best access, visually impaired user can use Android Facebook application.

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