Re: [orca-list] any accessible dash pane like app in Mate?

I'd think you'd be better off keeping the basic configuration as light as possible as many run mate to avoid 
stressing limited system resources.
You could ofcourse put it on your images as a file and either tell users to run dpkg -i or script it and 
binde script to a desktop icon that'd go away 
after it is installed, or even better toggle install and uninstall so that folks could compare performance 
with and with out it.

   Registerd Linux User 521886

  kendell clark wrote:
Sun, Mar 20, 2016 at 01:02:32PM -0500

There are external addons that do this kind of thing, cinapse and ...
there's another one that I can't remember the name of off the top of my
head, but cinapse is not accessible and this other one I can't remember
isn't either. From what little I know about the search stuff, it depends
on a program called tracker, which mate is in the process of integrating
with, so eventually, I'm not sure when, you'll be able to do this in
mate, though it won't be mandatory like it is in gnome. This won't help
you right now, but it's the best I can do. Of course I'm no expert,
there could be a search app that does work and I don't know about it. If
so, I'll add it to our sonar mate edition.
Kendell Clark

B. Henry wrote:
I think anything like this would for sure need to remain an add-on as the search driven stuff is where 
most of the extra resource usage in gnome and 
unity comes from, and mate is trying to remain medium light as far as I know.
I however am missing the serch feature in Gnome or Unity.
press super key and type first few lettter of what you want and it comes
I am not talking about the alt + f2 search, I am talking about the smart
search in gnome or unity.
I am a bit unclear as to what this app is supposed to do/will google, but perhaps you can explain a bit 
about it also, please.
there is matetweak, there you can get the redmont layout. It is on the last
card of matetweak. I like it very much.
Notifications were working for a while in mate as far as I know/remember. I think the problem is a bug in 
latest release.
There was a time when installing notify-osd, the Ubuntu notification thingy would give you accesible 
notifications in mate.
I thin Kendell just reported that this no longer works/not running mate anywhere right now except the 
older release  on vinux5, so can't easily confirm 
what does and does not work.

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