[orca-list] autodetection of keyboard layouts?

hi all
This is a feature I've been pondering over for a while. Would it be
possible to add code to orca which would autodetect the type of computer
you're running on, desktop or laptop, and automatically activate that
keyboard layout? I'm asking because when I installed sonar on my mac,
whic has no insert key or number pad, I had to run orca -s to get to the
prefs dialog where I could change the keyboard layout. This isn't a big
deal, but if orca could autodetect the presence of a laptop, it would
make it that much easier.

I'm not sure exactly how this could be done, but there's a program
called dmidecode, which prints out manufacturer information about a
computer, and among that mostly geeky stuff is the type. If it's
notebook or laptop, orca could activate the keyboard layout. If not,
activate desktop. I'm not sure if python has bindings for such a thing
but it's a thought.

This should only be done once when orca is first set up so we don't end
up checking every time. What does everyone else think? If this isn't
possible or is difficult, could orca make the caps lock usable as an
orca modifier as well as the insert and kp insert without having to
change this in the keybinding settings?
 The one hang up with this is because linux and orca run on other things
than desktops and laptops, such as servers and sbc (single board
computers) I don't know how to handle those. I don't know if there are
designations for such a thing embedded on their motherboards or not.
These are just thoughts on my part, but this does sound like a useful
Thanks for reading
Kendell Clark

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