Re: [orca-list] Focus/caret place at Thunderbird starting

No, there is no way of controlling this, and even so I don't think Orca
should do it. Actually, wasn't that what Max asked last week.

However, here is a thing you might like:
Thunderbird has an addon, called Manually sort folders.
It has an extra setting of configuring the start-up folder.

1. Install the addon.
2. Go into Tools -> Manually sort folders.
3. Select the "extra settings" page tab.
4. Select "Use a custom folder in the first combo box.
5. Tab to the second combo box and open it with Alt+DownArrow.
6. Arrow down to the first level folder, which contains the  folder you
want to setup as start-up folder.
7. Press RightArrow  to expand it.
8. Navigate to the folder you want to be your start-up folder and press
At this point, the combo box will collapse and will read the name of the
first level folder, which contains your selected folder. Don't worry -
you've selected your desired folder anyway.
9. Close this dialog and restart Thunderbird - your folder of choice
should be selected on start-up, though the focus wont be in the folder
tree (press F6 or Shift+F6 two times or so).

P.S. Actually, when I did this right now, Orca read the correct folder
name. So it's properly exposed. So I wonder why it didn't the first time.

Best wishes,

On 03/05/2016 09:52 PM, MENGUAL Jean-Philippe wrote:

When running Thunderbird, caret/focus is located I don't know where, and
I need to press tab several times to make it reach the folders list. I'd
like it to be located automatically in the folders list, or in the
messages list of the latest visited folder (e.g. inbox).

Is it an Orca feature or does it depend on Thunderbird? Is it a wish
thing for other users?


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