[orca-list] LibreOffice Impress: Orca announces a number before the content of all lines, is it a bug?

Dear LibreOffice and Orca community,

with the latest LibreOffice Impress (5.1.4) and the latest Orca (3.20.2), in sections, Orca announces the paragraph number before all text.

Steps to reproduce :
1) Open LibreOffice Impress
2) Enter in a section with pressing tab two times and press enter
3) Write text on multiple lines
4) Move with arrows keys

Result: Orca says "0 text", "1 text", ETC
Expexted result: Orca should announces only the text content and make it configurable inside the Orca preferences for LibreOffice.

Best regards.

Visual-Impairment Project Manager
Hypra - "Humanizing technology"

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