Re: [orca-list] Use Linux as a daily driver


On 31 January 2016 at 19:55, Krishnakant <krmane openmailbox org> wrote:
So was the installer accessible?
How did you manage the installation?
Debian installer is fully accessible.
I'm quite used to Debian since I've installed countless debian
(text-mode only) systems for firewall/routing purposes.
I simply wrote the netinst iso to a usb flash drive and booted from it
and pressed 's' on the boot prompt.
This starts the installer with speech and also Braille if a Braille
display is present.
You'll get a text-mode version of the Debian installer and you use
Speakup as your screen reader.
I used the testing netinst to get a base system up and running with
both speech and Braille.
I upgraded it to sid/unstable - still only a base text-mode system.
When I had upgraded to sid I manually installed GNOME from the command line.
When done I rebooted and Orca greeted me on the graphical login screen.

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