Hi, I can't help you with Evince, but you may give Pandoc a try. It can convert markdown or REST into HTML5 presentations (I recommend Slidy) and you can make presentations in your browser. It is very accessible. Vojta Dne 26.1.2016 v 10:15 Sebastian Humenda
Hi, I recently discovered that a11y of Evince improved quite a lot, so thanks to everybody working on it. I was now thinking of doing a presentation with Evince, however it seems that the presentation mode is not accessible. Is there any work-around for it? In the normal mode, you can't force evince to only view one page at a time and in the presentation mode the arrow keys are mapped to go back/forward a page and I suppose this is why Orca can't read the text. Has anyone found a workable solution for it? Thanks Sebastian |