Re: [orca-list] What should Orca say when multiple icons become selected at once?

The focused icon should always be spoken, so that we know where we are. However, we do also need an idea of at least whether one or more icons are selected, or if we have selected one and moved off the selection, e.g. with control+arrows. Unfortunately, I'm not sure what type of utterance would convey that much information without being overly verbose. Perhaps this should remain a function of WhereAmI. So the focused icon should be spoken if selected, and nothing else, because selected is implied. However, focusing an icon that remains unselected, e.g. with control+arrows, should speak the focused icon followed by "unselected" or "not selected." WhereAmI should speak what it normally does, such as "5 items selected, on 3 of 12" or similar. This seems the best compromise between communicating important information and verbosity.

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