[orca-list] small issues with text selection in firefox

Hi Joanie,

i found a situation where not all selected text is spoken:

1 open firefox and go to
2. set the cursor before "SSL Login" (in the left navigation pane),
3. press arrow down (so that " SSL Login Noch kein Login? Daten vergessen?"is selected.
orca announce:
SSL Login Noch kein Login?
orca should announce:
SSL Login Noch kein Login? Daten vergessen?

4, press ctrl + c
orca announce the window title 2 times.

an other case is here:
1. goto
2. search the text "Anscheinend schlummerte Locky"
3. mark the text "Anscheinend schlummerte Locky" with shift + arrow rigt
4. press  ctrl + c
orca announce the window title here 2 times for me here again but after orca finished the title orca speak "Anscheinend schlummerte Locky bereits seit einiger Zeit auf den Windows-Rechnern selected"
orca should only announce the selected area
"Anscheinend schlummerte Locky"

can you reproduce this? fresh clone from master.


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