Re: [orca-list] qt apps?

On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 08:29:44AM AEST, Hank Smith, and Seeing-eye dog Iona wrote:
Hello how well does qt apps work with orca?

It depends on the version of Qt in question.

There is a linux distro that is qt based from what I can tell the distro has 
some software to control a rtl sdr software defined radio Skywave Linux is 
the distro that has the stuff all ready in place to control the sdr.

What version of Qt does that piece of software use?

If it is Qt4, then you need qt-at-spi. The distro in questino may or may not 
have it. If Qt5, then the base Qt5 libraries, known in some distros as 
qt5-base, or qt5-qtbase, needs to be built with accessibility support at a 
minimum, and maybe other parts of the stack do to, I'm not sure.


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