[orca-list] ot, how to fix console speech and pulse audio

hi all
Storm and chrys87 have come up with a very simple way to fix pulse
audio's tendency to mess around with console speech. To fix, all you
need to do is install my attached pulse audio config file, default.pa
into your user config folder, which is at ~/.config/pulse. Do not add
this to the system wide pulse folder or pulse audio will break. I'm not
sure why but it does. What this file does is configure pulse audio to
listen on a socket, /tmp/pulse.soc. Once this file is in place, restart
pulse if you havent made any modifications to the system wide pulse
config file, and speakup should work in the console with no problems,
along with sound in the gui. The only minor hickup is that I havne't
been able to get speakup to read the login prompt with this, but other
than that everything works fine. I'm hoping to get a couple of people
hear to test it, and if it works well, I'll submit this to the pulse
audio guys for inclusion into pulse itself. They'll know how to include
it without breaking pulse audio itself.
Config file attached.
Kendell Clark

Attachment: default.pa
Description: Text document

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