Re: [orca-list] Roundcube mail possibly accessibility of other rich web apps


Can you please give us a bit more details on how to try out the gnukhata demo? It appears I don't know how to login. Or do I need to create my own organization in there?
Bootstrap has accessibility plugin and I think it gives you some nice accessibility related things for free. Such great accessibility to Roundcube is only possible because Roundcube developers have implemented some custom keyboard navigation via _javascript_ where it makes sense, they have made their app well structured and yeah, it feels awesome.
There is another project built on top of bootstrap which is almost fully accessible. That is a social platform named Known .

Thanks and greetings


2016-08-08 1:28 GMT+02:00 Krishnakant <krmane openmailbox org>:

On Sunday 07 August 2016 02:05 AM, Peter Vágner wrote:
This is more than awesome. This must be magic. To make that table reporting when in focus mode it appears you have just added _generateTableCellRow() into the speach and braille generator. For less experienced developer that would be a difficult task.

The follow up commit where you are fixing focus mode widgets irons all nits I was able to find while using Roundcube. Now this is fully accessible and very predictable to work with. For anyone dealing with huge mailboxes, relying on imap search I definatelly recommend giving Roundcube with Orca and Firefox a try. Address book and settings are also all fully accessible.

When coupled with other fixes you have done today I think it potentialy contributes to even more awesome experience with other rich web apps.
I myself lead the development of a rich web app (uses a lot of AJAX calls and bootstrap ) It is called GNUKhata <> would give you the link.
It is an enterprise quality accounting software which is totally free under GPL.
I think I will try with latest orca master and see how it is more usable now that such changes have come.
Happy hacking.

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