Re: [orca-list] Orca beginner.

On Friday 29 April 2016 04:30 PM, ronak shah wrote:

I have just started to use orca... and here i m with my 1st problem...
I m not able to open orca praferences menu.
I m useing a laptop and the shortcut kee to open the menu as per what i found out is "capslock+space". Its not working... any other kee combination that i could try? And also if you could give me a reference to basic orca tutorials. That would be a great help...
I m useing ubuntu 14.04- vinux version.

Thanks a tun.

Hi Ronak,
I would suggest you use 16.04 version of Ubuntu.
Unity is extremely accessible and you can also add the additional ppa for Orca. For your information, PPA is a personal Package archive and you can get updates of for programs, Orca in this case.
I am in Mumbai India.
Where do you stay?
If you are any where near my location, I will be too happy to help you.
Happy hacking.

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