[orca-list] Advice building ORCA

Hi there.  I thought I'd give building Orca from source a burl. I have a
number of questions and am running into a bit of trouble here and there.

 Googling around, I found the Orca Wiki with some download and
installation instructions here:


but they seem to be really out of date.

My questions are:

1.  Are there more up-to-date instructions available anywhere?
If the answer is yes, then there's probably no need to bother with my
remaining questions.

Now, I've grabbed atk, at-spi and orca from their respective git repos.
 I have checked out the gnome-3-20 branches of each, since that is
apparently the stable version of orca at the moment, which is newer than
the 3.18 version I'm running now.  I figured I'd try the stable release
before attempting the bleeding edge.

2.  Is it necessary to build atk and at-spi nowadays in order to build
orca?  If not, please ignore the following questions.

3.  Attempting to build atk with ./autogen --prefix=/usr, I'm told I
need gettext-0.19.  I have gettext-0.18, but it seems Vinux perhaps
doesn't have a package repo with that version of gettext.  Where can i
get that?

4.  It appears my system has something called at-spi2-core on it with an
at-spi2-registryd in /usr/lib/at-spi2-core.  However, I managed to get
at-spi from git.gnome.org.  at-spi has branches for up to gnome-3-20, so
what's the relationship between at-spi and at-spi2?  Undoubtedly, my
issues are all down to using outdated build instructions.

Thanks heaps in advance,

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