Re: [orca-list] eclipse progress

True, but the number of blind Eclipse users on Linux is capped by the number of Linux users, and I suspect there are more Eclipse users on Windows then there are on Linux. Although having Eclipse work on Linux will probably help Linux penetration, I doubt it'll be enough to swap the market penetration numbers between Linux and Windows. Your argument also holds true for Windows users. If Eclipse doesn't fix bugs in Windows then they'll lose Windows users, which is probably a greater number of users right now.
I'm not sure what the alternative is. Are you suggesting that Eclipse 
developers get together and agree not to fix accessibility bugs in Linux 
to drive the number of Linux users down towards their ultimate goal of 
not supporting Linux at all? Seems like it would be a lot easier to just 
drop support of Linux.
I suspect it's more likely that Eclipse is like every other software 
project out there and they have more bugs then they can work on at any 
one time, so they prioritize their bugs based on severity and 
pervasiveness, so bugs impacting just blind users on Linux, although 
they won't necessarily be ignored altogether, may not get fixed as 
quickly as similar bugs on platforms with a greater number of users at 
the moment. I believe this is the more likely scenario, and I don't buy 
into this conspiracy to keep Linux down, especially not from a project 
like Eclipse.
On 09/20/2015 08:02 AM, Al Sten-Clanton wrote:
Although the numbers game is understandable, it would also tend to keep
the number of Linux users low, and maybe justify giving up on Linux
support.  Some cynicism seems in order.


On 9/19/2015 10:16 PM, Christopher Chaltain wrote:
I'm not sure what criteria they use to prioritize their bugs, but I
wouldn't be surprised if the number of users affected is part of the
criteria. I'm guessing they have more Windows users then Linux users, so
I wouldn't be surprised if bugs that show up only on Linux end up a bit
lower in their priority queue. There's no cynicism involved here.

On 09/19/2015 07:48 PM, kendell clark wrote:
My cinical side says they're prioritizing their windows accessibility
over their linux accessibility, but don't take my word for it. I'm also
not trying to start any debates either. Having said all that, I'll give
eclipse a go and start trying to use it. If it's bad, I'll start
attaching debug logs so joanie can look at it and find out what's wrong.
Are there open bugs against eclipse I can comment on?
Kendell clark

On 09/19/2015 11:30 AM, Michał Zegan wrote:
Currently they seem not to respond, erhaps because they have too many
bugs to fix, or perhaps they lost interest. but probably not, hm

W dniu 19.09.2015 o 18:17, Jann Schneider pisze:

if they will fix These issues they will make it into SR1 or later. So
currently we have to use the Luna release - which works very well with
Java 8 and These things ...


2015-09-19 16:37 GMT+02:00, kk <krmane gmail com>:
I am interested too.
This is suc a powerful tool that I can do some good stuff using it.
Happy hacking.

On Saturday 19 September 2015 05:21 PM, Michał Zegan wrote:
Hello, any progress with current eclipse accessibility bugs or
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