Re: [orca-list] Orca's New GUI Interface

Dear users,
My opinion will be very probably strange for somebody of us, but I think, that redesigning GUI of Orcais nod neededat all. Because Orcaenable users to add hod key to all its functions and I do not think, that it is good idea to overload Joan with rewriting Python code because of GUI. There is according to my opinion much more complex matter to solve. As many of us know, Orcais being tried and used by many users with several desktop environments and also with various window managers. Fluxbox, Marco, Metacity, and some others GTK compatible. As many of us very probably know, with every major release of Gnome, new at-spi ifnrastructure is released. Try to remember on big Orca reconstruction when gnome 3.0 havebeen released. In other words, i would agree to play with GUI if it would be made by uwith Anjutaor Glade. So it would not be so complex for Python developers to redesign it.

I can not help my self, Ido not have problems with existing Tabbed interface. But lets discuss, it is only my opinion and I Am ready on The possibility, that I will stay with it alone in this list.

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