Re: [orca-list] gnu-speach?

I'm coming in late on this, but yes, it's a speech synthesizer and I've created a demo for it:

Yes, it can be used now with Speech Dispatcher. You would use the generic module or write a wrapper script. Based on their example in the INSTALL file, something like this should work:

./gnuspeech_sa -c /usr/share/gnuspeech/data/en -p /tmp/params.txt -o /tmp/out.wav "Hello world."

I spent quite a bit of time compiling and testing this. The Mac version is more complete and includes the graphical apps, the accessibility of which I have no idea. The standalone version has very limited functionality by comparison, but it does work. I suspect the Mac version sounds better, but I don't know and I don't have a Mac. I will share my 64-bit Ubuntu 14.04.3 compiled binaries if anyone wants them. If you want them, write to the address in my signature. Currently, it's English only and has no variants.

On 10/22/2015 3:00 AM, kendell clark wrote:
This sounds really interesting. However, looking at the link you posted,
I'm not sure if it's a speech synthesizer or some kind of program to
generate speech phonemes based on a person's speech. This would also
need to be packaged in distros to be meaningfully useful. If this isn't
the case now it can of course be fixed if this gets used. The steps
would be: 1, a speech-dispatcher module would need to be written to
support gnuspeech. 2: some minor code might need to be added to orca if
the standard speech-dispatcher API calls aren't enough to support it
fully, for example, if it has anything like espeak varients. 3: it would
need to be packaged up in popular distros like ubuntu, fedora, arch,e
tc. Once this is done it should be possible to use it with orca.--

Tony Baechler, founder, Baechler Access Technology Services
Putting accessibility at the forefront of technology
mailto:bats batsupport com
Phone: 1-619-746-8310   Fax: 1-619-449-9898

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