Re: [orca-list] Firefox anchor issue

Hi Alex.

Thank you for the additional details. They are very helpful.

This issue is now fixed for me in master. Please re-test. And if the
problem remains, please send me a new debug.out.


On 11/24/2015 03:24 PM, Alex ARNAUD wrote:
On 24/11/2015 21:10, Alex ARNAUD wrote:
The environment is Debian testing with Orca master.
You can find a debug log below that demonstrate the issue :
To be more detailed Orca go to the header with the link "Go to content"
(header in french "ALLER AU CONTENU") then I press down arrow Orca
return to the line after "Go to content" instead of reading line after
the header "GIMP a 20 ans".

Best regards.

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